Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can be easily misunderstood or exaggerated in today’s society but there is a general understanding that it includes a change in mood, often from highs to lows. Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that causes changes in a person’s mood, energy and ability to function. It is often characterized by extreme highs (mania) and depression (lows).

Bipolar disorder has been highlighted in the media over recent years due to some celebrities and their experiences. Celebrities that have been to known manage bipolar disorder include:  Demi Levato, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Kanye West.

More information on Bipolar Disorder

Here is a video about bipolar disorder.

Mixed episodes in Bipolar disorder is where both mania (impulsiveness, flights of ideas, etc) and depression (hopelessness, fatigue, diminished pleasure, etc) at the same time. They are very common and can feel conflicting.

You can watch a video about it here.

Rapid cycling is a specifier that can be used in a Bipolar 1 or 2 diagnosis and is characterized by the presence of at least four mood episodes in the previous 12 months that meet criteria for a manic, hypomanic, or a major depressive episode. Episodes are distinguished either by partial or full remissions of at least two months or by a switch to an episode of the opposite polarity (e.g., depressive episode to a manic episode).

You can watch a video about it here.

While bipolar disorder may be manageable without medication (always refer to your doctor or psychiatrist when determining), many find the symptoms to be manageable through a combination of medication and therapy. When taking medication, it is important to adhere to your doctor’s recommended medication schedule.

The best way to find a psychiatrist in network is to contact your insurance member services and ask for a provider list in your area.

Save this information sheet about Bipolar disorder from Therapy Aid.

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